Publications(論文, 紀要) ※ 新しい順
Google Scholar [Kozue Shiomi]
* corresponding author
# equally contributing authors
Kawai Y, Hisada T, Shiomi K, Hayamizu M*
Machine learning approaches to explore important features behind bird flight modes
IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics (TBIO), in press
Shiomi K#*, Tatani M#, Kikuchi DM#
BirdWingData: wingspan and wing area data of birds compiled from multiple literature sources and original measurements
Ecological Research, 40: 82–89 (2025)
doi: 10.1111/1440-1703.12502
[abstract] [最新版データセット (figshare)] [論文自己紹介note]
Imaki T*, Kokubun N, Shiomi K, Takahashi A
Speed consensus and behavioural coordination of Adélie penguins travelling on sea ice in groups
Animal Behaviour, 208: 1–17 (2024)
doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2023.11.014
[full-text (open access)] [プレスリリース]
Shiomi K*
Swirling flight of a seabird caught in a huge typhoon high over mainland Japan
Ecology, 104 (12): e4161 (2023)
doi: 10.1002/ecy.4161
[full-text (open access)] [論文自己紹介note] [ESA Press Release]
Shiomi K*, Sato K, Bost CA, Handrich Y
Stay the course: maintenance of consistent orientation by commuting penguins both underwater and at the water surface
Marine Biology, 170: 42 (2023)
doi: 10.1007/s00227-023-04186-4
[full-text (open access)] [論文自己紹介note]
Watanuki Y*, Sato K, Shiomi K, Wanless S, Daunt F
Foraging habitat and site selection do not affect feeding rates in European shags
Journal of Experimental Biology, 226 (4): jeb244461 (2023)
doi: 10.1242/jeb.244461
[full-text] [featured in INSIDE JEB]
Watanabe H*, Shiomi K, Sato K, Takahashi A, Handrich Y, Bost CA
King penguins adjust their fine-scale travelling and foraging behaviours to spatial and diel changes in feeding opportunities
Marine Biology, 170: 29 (2023)
doi: 10.1007/s00227-022-04170-4
[full-text (open access)]
Sakao M#, Hamabata T#, Sato K, Watanabe S, Yoda K, Shiomi K#*
Absence of genetic structure among Streaked Shearwaters Calonectris leucomelas breeding in Japan, despite limited dispersal events
Ornithological Science, 22: 111–121 (2023)
doi: 10.2326/osj.22.111
[full text (open access)] (Editor's choice paper)
Shiomi K*
Possible link between brain size and flight mode in birds: Does soaring ease the energetic limitation of the brain?
Evolution, 76-3: 649–657 (2022)
doi: 10.1111/evo.14425
[full-text] [featured in Digest] [論文自己紹介note]
Beal M*, Byholm P, Lötberg U, Evans T, Shiomi K, and Åkesson S*
Habitat selection and foraging site fidelity in Caspian Terns (Hydroprogne caspia) breeding in the Baltic Sea
Ornis Fennica, 98: 128–141 (2021)
[full-text (PDF)]
Yamashita R, Hiki N, Kashiwada F, Takada H*, Mizukawa K, Hardesty B, Roman L, Hyrenbach D, Ryan P, Dilley B, Muñoz-Pérez J, Valle C, Pham C, João F, Nishizawa B, Takahashi A, Thiebot J-B, Will A, Kokubun N, Watanabe Y, Yamamoto T, Shiomi K, Shimabukuro U, and Watanuki Y
Plastic additives and legacy persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in preen gland oil from seabirds sampled across the globe
Environmental Monitoring and Contaminants Research, 1: 97–112 (2021)
doi: 10.5985/emcr.20210009
[full-text (open access)] [プレスリリース]
Narazaki T*, Nakamura I, Aoki K, Iwata T, Shiomi K, Luschi P, Suganuma H, Meyer CG, Matsumoto R, Bost CA, Handrich Y, Amano M, Okamoto R, Mori K, Ciccione S, Bourjea J, and Sato K
Similar circling movements observed across marine megafauna taxa
iScience, 102221 (2021)
doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102221
[full-text (open access)]
Michelot C*, Kato A, Raclot T, Shiomi K, Goulet P, Bustamante P, and Ropert-Coudert Y
Sea-ice edge is more important than closer open water access for foraging Adélie penguins: evidence from two colonies
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 640: 215–230 (2020)
doi: 10.3354/meps13289
片岡龍峰*, 山本和明, 藤原康徳, 塩見こずえ, 國分亙彦
総研大文化科学研究, 第16号, pp. 17–28, 2020年3月31日発行 (2020)
[論文PDF] [プレスリリース]
Shiomi K*, Kokubun N, Shimabukuro U, and Takahashi A
Homing ability of Adélie penguins investigated with displacement experiments and bio-logging
Ardea, 107: 333–339 (2019)
doi: 10.5253/arde.v107i3.a12
[full-text (open access)] [論文自己紹介note]
Shiomi K*, Sato K, Katsumata N, and Yoda K
Temporal and spatial determinants of route selection in homing seabirds
Behaviour, 156: 1165–1183 (2019)
doi: 10.1163/1568539X-00003560
[full-text (open access)] [論文自己紹介note]
Ropert-Coudert Y*, Kato A, Shiomi K, Barbraud C, Angelier F, Delord K, Poupart T, and Raclot T
Two massive breeding failures in an Adélie penguins' colony over four breeding seasons call for rapid decision on the creation of a Marine Protected Area in D'Urville Sea/Mertz
Frontiers in Marine Science, 5:264 (2018)
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00264
[full-text (open access)]
Shiomi K*, Sato K, Handrich Y, and Bost CA
Diel shift of king penguin swim speeds in relation to light intensity changes
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 561: 233–243 (2016)
doi: 10.3354/meps11930
[full-text] [論文自己紹介note]
Yamamoto T*, Kohno H, Mizutani A, Yoda K, Matsumoto S, Kawabe R, Watanabe S, Oka N, Sato K, Yamamoto M, Sugawa H, Karino K, Shiomi K, Yonehara Y, and Takahashi A
Geographical variation in body size of a pelagic seabird, the streaked shearwater Calonectris leucomelas
Journal of Biogeography, 43: 801–808 (2016)
doi: 10.1111/jbi.12654
Shiomi K*, Lötberg U, and Åkesson S
Seasonal distributions of Caspian Terns Hydroprogne caspia from Swedish populations revealed by recoveries and resightings of ringed birds
Ringing & Migration, 30 (1): 22–36 (2015)
doi: 10.1080/03078698.2015.1059637
[abstract] [論文自己紹介note]
Yoda K*, Shiomi K, and Sato K
Foraging spots of streaked shearwaters in relation to ocean surface currents as identified using their drift movements
Progress in Oceanography, 122: 54–64 (2014)
doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2013.12.002
Ito A, Yamashita R, Takada H, Yamamoto T, Shiomi K, Zavalaga C, Abe T, Watanabe S, Yamamoto M, Sato K, Kohno H, Yoda K, Iida T, and Watanuki Y*
Contaminants in tracked seabirds show regional patterns of marine pollution
Environmental Science & Technology, 47: 7862–7867 (2013)
doi: 10.1021/es4014773
Williams CL*, Sato K, Shiomi K, and Ponganis PJ
Muscle energy stores and stroke rates of emperor penguins: implications for muscle metabolism and dive performance
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 85 (2): 120–133 (2012)
doi: 10.1086/664698
Shiomi K*, Yoda K, Katsumata N, and Sato K
Temporal tuning of homeward flights in seabirds
Animal Behaviour, 83: 355–359 (2012)
doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2011.11.010
[abstract] [featured in In Focus] [論文自己紹介note]
Shiomi K*, Sato K, and Ponganis PJ
Point of no return in diving emperor penguins: is the timing of the decision to return limited by the number of strokes?
Journal of Experimental Biology, 215: 135–140 (2012)
doi: 10.1242/jeb.064568
[abstract] [featured in INSIDE JEB] [論文自己紹介note]
Sato K, Shiomi K, Marshall G, Kooyman GL, and Ponganis PJ*
Stroke rates and diving air volumes of emperor penguins: implications for dive performance
Journal of Experimental Biology, 214: 2854–2863 (2011)
doi: 10.1242/jeb.055723
[abstract] [featured in Editor's choice]
Shiomi K*, Narazaki T, Sato K, Shimatani K, Arai N, Ponganis PJ, and Miyazaki N
Data-processing artefacts in three-dimensional dive path reconstruction from geomagnetic and acceleration data (THEME SECTION: Ecophysiology and biomechanics in diving seabirds).
Aquatic Biology, 8: 299–304 (2010)
doi: 10.3354/ab00239
Sato K*, Shiomi K, Watanabe Y, Watanuki Y, Takahashi A, and Ponganis PJ
Scaling of swim speed and stroke frequency in geometrically similar penguins: they swim optimally to minimize cost of transport
Proceedings of the Royal Society London B, 277: 707–714 (2010)
doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.1515
Shiomi K*, Sato K, Arai N, Naito Y, and Ponganis PJ
Distribution of emperor penguins' dive directions under the fast sea ice
Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on SEASTAR 2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science, pp. 89–91 (2009)
Shiomi K*, Sato K, Mitamura H, Arai N, Naito Y, and Ponganis PJ
Effect of ocean current on the dead-reckoning estimation of 3-D dive paths of emperor penguins
Aquatic Biology, 3: 265–270 (2008)
doi: 10.3354/ab00087
竹田山原楽・藤橋さやか・米井小百合・塩見こずえ・田村宏治「ニワトリ胚に鳥類を見る ―ゲノムから生態までをつなぐ発生メカニズム―」
生物の科学 遺伝『特集"タマゴが先"の最先端研究 ─ トリ胚は「形の魔術師」だ』, Vol. 77, No. 4, pp 264–269, NTS Inc., 2023年7月号 [出版社ウェブページ] [田村研HPでPDF公開中]
塩見こずえ「ペンギンの潜水能力のひみつ ─バイオロギングで明らかになった生理メカニズムと行動パターン」生物の科学 遺伝『特集 ペンギン~行動と研究最前線』, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 46–52, NTS Inc., 2019年1月号 [noteに公開中]
塩見こずえ, 依田憲「鳥類のナビゲーション研究─これまでとこれから」 生物の科学 遺伝『特集I 生物のナビゲーションを科学する』, Vol. 71, No. 6, NTS Inc., 2017年11月号 [noteに公開中]
塩見こずえ, 米原善成, 後藤佑介, 坂尾美帆, 佐藤克文「三貫島・船越大島 −岩手県−」 月刊海洋『大水薙鳥−外洋性海鳥の研究最前線−(下)』, pp.464-468, 海洋出版株式会社, 2016年10月号
塩見こずえ「海鳥の帰巣能力」月刊海洋『大水薙鳥−外洋性海鳥の研究最前線−(上)』, pp.398-404, 海洋出版株式会社, 2016年9月号 [noteに公開中]
塩見こずえ「バイオロギングは待つ学問?」『バイオロギング2 動物たちの知られざる世界を探る』(分担執筆), 日本バイオロギング研究会 編, 京都通信社, 2016年
Susanne Åkesson, Arne Andersson, Guiseppe Bianco, Tom Evans, Natalie Isaksson, Ewa Karaszewska, Kozue Shiomi, Ulrik Lötberg, Lennart Söderlund (2015) Ny teknik avslöjar fåglars rörelsemönster (New technology reveals the birds' movement patterns). Vår Fågelvärld(スウェーデンの鳥類雑誌), pp. 35–37
塩見こずえ「オオミズナギドリの洋上旅行 −門限を守る親鳥」雑誌『科学』「特集:旅する動物たち」, pp. 872–875, 岩波書店, 2012年8月号
Narazaki T, Shiomi K (2010) Reconstruction of 3-D path (ThreeD_path).
三次元経路算出マクロ(for IGOR, MATLAB; 2019年 updated)[ここ↖︎でダウンロードできます]
塩見こずえ「加速度から水生動物の姿勢や3次元経路を算出する方法:"ペンギンストーキング"」生物の科学 遺伝『特集 バイオロギングサイエンス:観察できない動物の行動を観る科学』, NTS Inc., 2010年5月号
塩見こずえ「フィールドワーク奮闘記14:氷の下のコウテイペンギン」『バイオロギング―最新科学で解明する動物生態学』(分担執筆), 日本バイオロギング研究会 編, 京都通信社, 2009年10月